Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Walking club's maiden voyage

The "WALK your way to fitness" sessions will begin on Monday, April 2nd. There will be two sessions, one in the morning at 7:30 and one in the afternoon at 4:10. Each will last for 30 minutes or so. We will see if this catches on and we can eventually have races.

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A Supersize Problem

This is the article you received at the meeting this interesting read to say the least. Using McDonald's terminology to describe the problem echoes the fact that the problem is easily solved through educating about the right choices. Read through the article and feel free to comment.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Walking club

One thing that we spoke about at our last meeting was the possibility of having a walking club during the last 10 or so minutes of lunch. Any thoughts on how to organize this? Any volunteers?

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Meeting on Wednesday

We will be meeting on Wed. March 28th to discuss a couple of things.
1. survey results- we will look at the numbers and come up with a course of action and some possible directions in which to move.
2. We will have Dr. Eric with us. He is a chiropractor in town and he will be able to put us in contact with different people in the field that might be interested in donating time and knowledge.
3. Newsletter- all of you have seen a copy of the newsletter- I would love some more feedback about what future issues might look like. I was thinking something along the lines of success stories; maybe start with internet stories and invite kids in our school to submit stories of healthy lifestyle choices.

thanks again